Word Bites, #483 in a series

How to control the page numbering in a Word document This could also be titled “how to finally put to rest a stupid, recurring problem that plagued you all morning because a patron was trying to conform to some byzantine thesis submission guidelines someone else in your work place drafted.” Not mentioned in this article…

Ubuntu Oddity

I’ve been using Ubuntu server edition for my end-of-lifecycle PC turned headless web/file server for the past year and change. For the most part I like it. What you lose in hardware-specific tuning in Gentoo you generally more than make up for in easy of install and use. I rather like Gentoo’s portage and have…

A Dolphin Named Tired

When I was a much younger man, I went on a family vacation to Worlds of Fun. It was maybe the first or second time I’d been there and it was mostly as advertised. Then again, I was 15 going on 16 at the timeā€”an age more or less squarely in their target demographic. The…

Watusi Redux

So I offered to help my pops throw together a poster that he is presenting at a conference in October. It’s his master’s thesis work and he’s noticeably nervous about the whole ordeal. I’ve put together an assfull of posters both for myself and for others at the previous jobby job so it’s not a…

I Do The Watusi

The more I write these posts, the more I realize that they all seem to come with some bad ’80s earwig. The SWMBO’s brother is moving in with us for a bit and what runs through my mind? Howie Mandell. It’s like my attachment to novelty and found music has grown to be about seven…

My Kleenix Overfloweth…

The ragweed / whatever-the-heck-it-is that is making me sneeze and snot on everything, both vertical and horizontal, absolutely needs to stop. Mowed the yard yesterday and got about three minutes into the second bag o’ grass (heh) before the uncontrollable sneezing set in. Thought I was going to blow a gasket. Went inside and grabbed…

En Vogue

Way back in the day I spent many a night in a nightclub necking with some goth chick who, in all likelihood, was probably too young. Then again, I didn’t know enough German to ask and she didn’t know enough English to get that point across anyway. Not that it all matters because what this…