Jon Bruning is a twit

Bruning Takes Housing Discrimination Fight To CNN – Omaha News Story – KETV Omaha The guy was a poo-flinging, party boi back when I went to high school with him. He was a grandstanding party boi when I went to college with him. Now he is a grandstanding, poo-flinging twit who just happens to be…

Praise the Roof

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. The Elz and myself went out to draft a baseball team in lovely Chicago. It’s an annual migration for myself and given the events of the last two years, an annual migration for Elz as well. Observations about Chicago: Your lodging dollar goes…

Uncomfortable Truths

So I asked this question on Ask Metafilter because I’ve been trying to figure out a sticky (to me) problem. I’m not sure how I want to model this using Java. Among the answers provided (all seem top-notch so far) was a link to an article, Execution in the Kingdom of Nouns. Even though it…

The Agenda

You can smell it in the air. You can hear it rumbling in the distance. You can see the dust cloud on the horizon… So the commentary in this post seems to have struck a chord, or maybe a nerve, with the St. Johnny’s crew—especially the righteous Anthony Whorebath. A man who would not normally…

St. Spammy’s dot Com

So I posted a podcast today as I do on occasion, especially on Sundays when the dogs decide it is time to wake up long before I would like and/or Elz does. The few spare hours on a Sunday morning are nice for their self-directed solitude. However, we digress… So, like I said, I post…

The Whirlwind

Does one reap or ride the whirlwind? I couldn’t decide so the title was simplified. Let me first say that Salt Lake City is a really beautiful place, geographically speaking. It is odd that I would say that because I never pictured myself here for any reason whatsoever. There are placed that you know you’ll…

Triple Threat

So here I lay in bed. Been trying to sleep for the past two hours but can’t. First I’m really hungry having only a quick lunch yesterday. Second, Elz forced our hand with switching cell providers so we’re with AT&T now. This can only mean one thing…I have an iPhone now. Last, and definitely not…

Busted II

Another day, another “incident.” Ever wonder what Otis and Morton do when left alone for the afternoon? Wait no more: + Toast and Salt, doing hard time in the kennel-tentiary.