Diacetyl rest before the crash

Took the McBee’s out of the fermentation chamber (fancy way of saying old coal room in the basement) today. She looks a lovely creamy butterscotch in the carboy that translates to a light straw color in the hydrometer test cylinder. There’s a metric butt tonne of trub sitting at the bottom of the carboy. SG…

Pouring and details

Here’s the end result. 2012B01 A.K.A. Black Squirrel Nutter. She’s lovely, brown, and crisp/sweet with a moderate nuttiness. Stats: OG: 1.051 FG: 1.016 ABV: 4.7% Bottles remaining: 21 as of right now. Yikes! Between gifts, graft, and personal consumption, that’s half the batch in less than a week. Time to make more beer! Maybe this…

Released into the wild

It’s been a bit of a wait, but the first reviews of Black Squirrel “Nutter” have been favorable. This is the second ever batch brewed by Circle Bar Brewery, which is a fancy way of saying me and my compatriots. Special thanks to Dan, Doug, and Gavin who stopped by and helped while away the…

Major upgrades on instance transforms

Holy crap. The degree of dislike I have for Windows Installer service is already kind of pegged. An object lesson in overengineering for very little gain. Well, it could work awesomely if it wasn’t a backwater in Microsoftland and if the Microsoft supported authoring framework wasn’t an “open source” initiative that is completely understaffed. Then…

Passive pony request

EA: Do we want to use this value? Isn’t it excessive? Shouldn’t we be given a UI to change this value on a per client basis? Dev: The value isn’t excessive. Some progress was made but we still need a long timeout. EA: But if we need to change this value, we don’t have a…

Personal growth

Oh hooray! It’s annual review time! The time of year where we have to scramble to find a few uninterrupted hours in our busy days to fill out online forms telling folks how we think we did in the past year. How well we’ve fulfilled arbitrary goals measured with arbitrary metrics that, while relevant twelve…

It’s here!

The brew kettle has been delivered! Now I just need to find a propane burner with the horsepower to boil what gets thrown in the pot. Oh, and to decide on what style to try first. Verrrrrrry excited :D Been racking up non-twist top empties all vacation. Still have a long way to go before…

Beer me, Marge

The new brew kettle has been ordered. The early Christmas present from the lovely Elizabeth was purchased earlier today as well. We won’t make a Christmas brew timeline, but I’m thinking a mid to late January First Round party is doable. I’m leaning Belgian White–but that’s because I drink the hell out of Blue Moon.…

Two things

The phrase “Smoke test” makes me wince, especially when voiced by a particular person I am being paid back for missing two days earlier this week. I’m all Elvis, all TCB today.