Wash often

Possibly the weirdest Kickstarter campaign I’ve ever seen: The Pokie [1]. Fleece isn’t particularly great at hiding the snail trails. [1] https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1084791252/the-pokie

Bitchin’ rad cool

Dude plugs a 1986 Mac Plus into the modern World Wide Web [1]. Of course doing this involves some serious bit of nerding out with a Pi, a chain of interface adapters, and a stroke of good luck. Using it takes much patience. I remember spending many lunch periods in the library lab writing a…


This looks like a fun project: http://qrznow.com/converting-morse-code-text-arduino/. If nothing else, that flowchart is a great visual for learning “the code.”

Build Nazi

It’s every CM worker bee’s Sisyphean nightmare. Goddamn developers breaking builds and then leaving them hanging around all day without a claim. Behold the latest weapon in my arsenal of jokey (but not really, dude, I’m serious here) hints to fix/claim your broken builds.

Better than crow

I think the next time I’m having a gloat party I’ll serve some schadenfreude pie. [1] I think this would taste how excessive gloating feels.

Mr. Popularity

http://www.patheos.com/blogs/slacktivist/2015/02/19/the-devil-has-been-in-twice-as-many-movies-as-jesus-and-how-that-has-changed-our-theology/ An interesting discussion on the origins of our shared concept of the devil. And by interesting I mean how little of it is shaped by the historical tome as compared to popular culture.

Geek Code

I remember spending an afternoon studiously plonking out my GC [1]. I may have even included it in an email signature at the time. Man….blast from the past. Brought to you by a light discussion at work of creating a unique identifier for every developer based on their positions in the various geek religious wars…


What happens when you subtract all the extraneous jibberish from television shows: Family Feud takes three minutes [1] Dr. Phil becomes entertaining [2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GD8tCm3nol8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4F0Mer4kDDY