Bad Day

I know it’s probably landed in you inbox once or twice already but Elz forwarded this one to me today. Particularly prescient given what’s been going on at work since I walked in the door this morning. Sometimes a plugin upgrade isn’t really a great idea. Then again, you never know until you test it…

The Code4Lib Journal

The code4lib folks have launched their e-journal! I first heard about this project, and the group itself for that matter, at ASIS&T’s 2007 Annual Meeting. Although the whole conference was beyond excellent, code4lib was one of the top five highlights for me. Enough of my blather though, here’s the link: The Code4Lib Journal I found…

Metafilter Does Economics

MeFi does some things poorly. It does other topics quite well. This he-said she-said over the possible US economic collapse is insightful even if the FPP contains some dubious linkage.

A Look Inside Spam

Here’s an interesting investigation into the source of the Ron Paul spam spasm from the end of October. Yes, it’s ripped from the pages of Metafilter. The discussion that ensues in the thread is by turns snarky, interesting, and partisan. Go for the snark, stay for the bits of on-topic discussion.

Whatever Happened to Sandy and Gina?

Sandy and Gina were two women ensconced somewhere in the Great White North building a steel sailboat from the ground up. Sandy ran a blog at where each day of work on the boat was chronicled. The last day I saw was Day 374. Every so often I’d go through to view their progress…

New Storm Variant

Storm takes on a new guise aimed at the paranoid set. This stuff is just incredibly genius… Private Detective Scare is Storm Trojan

TV Land

The old crappy TV’s nervous breakdown indicators are picking up steam. We are also on the verge of the new HDTV epoch. I am rather excited about a PC-based home entertainment system. We are looking at one of these as a joint Christmas present to one-another: Sharp AQUOS Westinghouse LTV-32W6 HD Now I don’t need… – Recipe – Curry Pumpkin Soup

I’m not exactly the king of cookery and I am hardly a recipe blog kind of guy, but this recipe is superlative. We made it little over a month ago to rave reviews and then promptly lost the paper it was printed on. Elz and I are using it as the opening gambit for our…

A List Apart: Articles: Understanding Web Design

Web design is the creation of digital environments that facilitate and encourage human activity; reflect or adapt to individual voices and content; and change gracefully over time while always retaining their identity. from: A List Apart: Articles: Understanding Web Design One could just link to A List Apart and be done with it. That would…