Midweek NPR Meme

Ever notice NPR seems to have cornered the market on interesting names for presenters and reporters? Well, someone else has. The short of it being your NPR name is your first name with your middle initial stuck in it somewhere and the smallest foreign town you’ve ever visited. ‘Nick’ doesn’t lend itself well to adding…

Viral Advertising

And I don’t care. This made for a few rounds of levity amongst the team this morning. And when you’ve slept for shite, you need all the levity you can get to make it through the day.

Suppressed Optimism

Compulsively throughout the day I go check this and then I go check this. And then I try to not get my hopes up…. It’s not working. An election just might go the right way this century.

Sarah Palin Yahoo account hacked

Sarah Palin Yahoo account 2008 – Wikileaks Come for the lulz, stay for the uncomfortable feeling that perhaps hacking email because you are able to might possibly be worse than using private email accounts for government business. Seriously, though, it takes some kind of stupid to use an email service like Yahoo!/MSN/Gmail for anything other…

Byte Converter

Byte Converter is nice for us lazy folks who cannot be arsed to do these conversions (or close approximations) in our heads. I’ve used this twice now in the past 18 hours so it probably warrants some link-love.

Proud to be a Developer

When your PO is more like your lead you get a boss that writes a blog like this: Proud to be a Developer Yeah, he’s a Microsoftie, but he’s a really frickin’ fantastic Microsoftie who does some pretty cool stuff that could be ported to other environments with relative ease. Anyway, it’s a good read…