Iowa State Fair

I really want to participate in one of these contests this year. This will firmly establish my Iowegian citizenship and cement my love of the state. So far the outhouse race looks pretty fun but I’m game to try pretty much anything.

Mr. Lawrence T. Rogers

Epic Rap Battles of History #13 is pretty much awesome. Got there cruising the YouTubes after watching Will the Real Mitt Romney Stand Up? which is, regardless of your political leanings, a pretty well produced mashup.

Time machine

Mefi time machine posts are a great way to relive that simpler way of life on the Intarwebs. Case in point: Canadian McDonalds Employee Simulator.

Chocolate stout?

Ran across this on the HomeBrewTalk forums. Absolutely love this. Some guy is brewing beer with an Ovaltine base. The video is pretty cute even if the audio suffers from clipping here and there.

Fat bottom girls come together

If you’re going to mash up the Beatles, or Queen, you better hope it is quality. If you’re going to mash them up together, it better be phenomenal. This attempt gets pretty close to the mark. There’s really only one awkward moment in what is otherwise a pretty snappy mashup. Pulling in video makes it…

More iChat fun

It’s that kind of week already. Logged into iChat in case Elz was lurking and was immediately chatted up by awesomecoleyxo3 who is, allegedly, a 27F. I don’t remember that MOS but the Internet says that 27F is a Vulcan Repairer. So that’s cool, I guess. Anyway awesomecoleyxo3 might need some better off-duty hobbies. Here…

Calling Nemo

Is it pretty cool to listen to real-time underwater acoustic observation platforms? You bet it is! Problems encountered Very few of the listening posts are currently active Some of the listening posts didn’t load in a timely fashion Godforsaken, stupid, Flash-only interface to whole damn site But the site is probably bandwidth heavy and currently…