Absolute genius

Reading Rush Limbaugh talking about his “set up” is hilarious. Apparently Rush gets wifi wherever he goes in his car. The cellular data network is just too slow for his needs. And then the magical Obama infiltration? Awesome!


So I’ve stopped using my mac laptop to remote to the work-provided workstation sitting under my desk—mostly because the corporate proxy has become too painful to work around without using a domain-sanctioned machine on the LAN. Having grown into my poweruser self while mostly using *nix/Mac, this leaves a lot to be desired. Here’s a…


If you were upset by wasting 3 minutes of your life with the Slinky video, prepare to be absolutely pissed with this one. Hunch hunch. Wha whaaa? Buh ho.

vi in VisualStudio? Yeah!

It’s not religion, but it is close. My attachment to vi has only grown since I first really gave it a shot little over two years ago. Getting vi keybindings in a Java editor pushed me to finally scrap Eclipse in favor of NetBeans. At work I’m a little more heavily tied down in terms…

Regretsy is fun

It’s mean and irreverent and an earlier version of me would be mortally offended, but, man, loving the snark at Regretsy. Sample of what one can find inside: Not stealing this, just hosting on my own web server so I’m not leaching bandwidth Rest assured, the $200 “handicraft” this image is attached to deserves the…

We’re back!

Hooray. Web host reverted their auto update of my wordpress install (and subsequent hosing). Lessons learned: “Online” support is not a great way to get resolution for technical problems at $WEBHOST $WEBHOST is damn quick at triage and ticket resolution for incident reports filed via their tracking system.