Christmas list

A co-worker pointed me to BeardBrand [1] for some awesome mustache wax [2]. Clubman [3] has gotten me through the better part of a year, to be sure, but the vagaries of winter condensation/freezing/reheating can quickly turn a well waxed mustache into something that looks like oozing snotpuss on one’s upper lip. If you leave…


And for today’s ear worm: Sit tight and listen keenly while I play for you a little brand new musical biscuit. Big Audio Dynamite – C’mon Every Beatbox This is one of those moments where I suddenly remember in great detail an album I played into the ground but haven’t thought of in probably more…

Walken Slim

Today’s ear worm has a strong visual element: Fatboy Slim – Weapon of Choice [1]. An oldie but a goodie. [1]

Oldie but goodie

Another from the archives: Too Much Joy – King of Beers [1]. There was a time that this song made it on to any single mix tape I would make, regardless of the intended audience. I liked it that much. [1]

B E Aggressive

Not even sure why…but this was stuck in my head when I woke up this morning: Baby Cakes – Role Play Tournament [1] [1]

What have you done for beer today?

Awesome story ripped from Metafilter [1]. WWII vet learns his gesture has been immortalized in a Belgian town. Makes me smile. …except for the latrine helmet thing. Maybe didn’t need that detail. [1]

Pick up line generator

Girl, you must be a tiger because you are any of various similar wild felines, such as the jaguar, mountain lion, or lynx. Courtesy of the You Must Be [1] pick up line generator. I love these kinds of things. [1]