
Usually the Windows key bindings are available in every installation of GVim I’ve played with. Not so on my Mint-ified MacBook. And, yes, I know the traditional vi bindings…I’ve just spent so long outside of vi and in a Windows/Mac universe that the muscle memory is just too damn great to overcome. I’ve spent a…

Canucks fans

We may occasionally burn down the city when things go awry in Game 7. We may be current owners of the longest running NHL losing streak. Half our team may be suffering from upper and lower body injuries. Our coach may be an angry freak of nature. We may have been gooning our way across…


Oh hooray! Amazon publishing spam is now a thing on Spotify [1]. This is why we can’t have nice things. At least in the case of Amazon they were able to clean things up a bit. Here’s to hoping Spotify can follow suit. [1]

My new résumé

Absolutely loved this response [1] to an odd request from a potential employer. Very much be sure to watch the linked video [2] for maximum enjoyments. [1] [2]


This kid has them. Throws out opposing team’s player from ceremonial puck drop:

Like a boss

Worth it for the Winnie the Pooh line if nothing else: Twin Bed. [1]


This is eerily great and horrible all at the same time. Conference call ambiance [1]. I’ve listened to it for a few hours and it totally enhanced my flow since working felt like I was ducking a horribly long meeting.

Commercial yeast origins

It came to my attention that Mr. Malty (generally awesome) [1] has compiled|published|what-have-you a number of charts (2) that identify the brewery source for various strains sold commercially. I’m a Wyeast man myself so the Wyeast Strains Chart [2] is where I’m at. There’s a separate chart for the White Labs [3] folks too. Some…