Jesus slept

Folks call police on statue of Jesus [1]. Take that Sleeping Jesus! [1]

Bleeding heart

On the list of things that are making my life interesting at the moment and moving toward the top with alarming speed: The Heartbleed Bug [1]. Nothing like a gaping hole in the middle of one of the fundamental building blocks of the Internet. [1]


So I’ve installed the Cloud to Butt plugin [1] for Mozilla (Chrome extension here [2]). I’ve probably mentioned it before. If not, it simply replaces instances of ‘the cloud’ with ‘my butt’ on any web page that gets loaded. Today I looked at the plugin page because I was mentioning it to someone else. Even…

Listening between the lines

I’m guessing there are at least two other members on Metafilter that listen to Do or D-I-Y on WFMU. How else to explain this and this popping up as threads so soon after they were featured on the latest show/podcast? Or maybe it’s just a bit of synchronicity and the world really does appear to…

Possible build

Given the fun that my going on six years old laptop is presenting w/r/t the power management circuitry I’ve started looking at its replacement. I think I’m done with laptops as my primary workstation because they just don’t have it on the value for dollar front. I’m shooting for a relatively robust workstation able to…