
Can I just say that Twitter represents everything that is wrong with U.S. politics? There is no nuance. Chronology and threading are exceptionally difficult. Individual tweets are consumed without scepticism. The noun ‘tweet’. The shambolic nature of the company behind the platform. I’ve never really understood the platform’s popularity. I have an account, well two…

Caught in the crossfire

In which Directioners take on my parents’ younger siblings’ generation’s band, The Who. Read more at:,101691/

The trouble with Twitter

Just how many Twitter plug ins does any platform need? I think I had three with this WordPress installation. Hopefully we’re down to a more manageable number now.

Loving freeway traffic in rush…

Loving freeway traffic in rush hour. Accidents rule! Come to find out a carcass truck had “lost its load” all over the I-80 eastbound lanes. It’s not the most squicky thing I’ve ever seen but identifiable body parts on the road is right up there. The smell of cooking bacon was unmistakable and I’ve sworn…