Does not scale

I’m going through the 2+ years of photos and videos I finally offloaded from my phone and came across this one from May 27 of this year. Not sure why I took the picture. I guess I was demonstrating that our toaster’s production capacity does not scale well and we might experience shortages under load.

More cmd.exe help

So you’re in cmd.exe and you type ‘ls‘ expecting to get a directory listing. Instead cmd.exe gives you the finger. You give cmd.exe the finger back. Just then your boss walks by and sees you flipping off company property. Next thing you’re in her office having a discussion on appropriate workplace behavior. Having had enough…

SVN Deployment

Seems simple in that “WTF is up with me not doing that until now” kind of way but setting up all of your web content in SVN and then using svn export to deploy to your production server just plain rocks. Version control–which is desirable on its face The model enforces backing up–your deployment is…

Cleaning up

I’m a habitual non-deleter of mail when it hits my inbox. I mean, sure, I delete the crap and mark the spam pretty regularly but when it is a message that requires action or a response and I don’t have time to do it right now, I’ll let it sit. And sit it does. Usually…


From the “Everyone loves this but you never seemed to get off your ass to try it yourself” files I bring you Growl. In and of itself it’s pretty innocuous—just an operating system alert widget. However, when you plug in all sorts of applications it keeps you from ⌘-Tabbing or space jumping all over the…