
The whitest thing I’ve ever witnessed was Elizabeth’s face seconds before she administered her first insulin shot. But then, with the help of her big girl panties, she jabbed that sucker in and pushed the plunger with nary a problem. Very proud of her. On the other hand, she won’t share the spider ring she…

For Elizabeth

Q: How do you get four elephants into a Mini? A: Two in front and two in back Q: What game do four elephants in a Mini play? A: Squash Q: How do you get an elephant into the fridge? A: Open the door, insert the elephant, close the door Q: How do you get…

Some Words Revisited

So one week ago today Elz calls me (!!) and asks if I want to hear the good or bad news first. The way things had been going for her at the hospital I asked for the bad news first. The bad new: she didn’t have a ride home. Which, of course, means that the…

Some Words

In the last few days I’ve encountered a number of words that, while previously unknown to me, have come to define this week. Words like hemoptysis, friable, pulmonary lavage, and bronchoscopy. While I’m glad the latter two exist, the whole ordeal from Elz suddenly coughing blood on the way to do some mundane provisioning to…

Celebrating Entropy

Listening to M83’s Before the Dawn Heals Us and I am struck by the overpowering evocation of longing and despair the album has. Seriously. I’m sitting here at work and all I want to do is sigh and maybe let loose with inexplicable sobbing. Haven’t felt like this since my at-the-time spouse seemed to be…

Praise the Roof

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. The Elz and myself went out to draft a baseball team in lovely Chicago. It’s an annual migration for myself and given the events of the last two years, an annual migration for Elz as well. Observations about Chicago: Your lodging dollar goes…

Reviews: Movie Theaters

Staid, boring Bellevue may not be so staid and boring after all. Elz ran across an entertaining review of the local theater while looking for show times for the film we’re interested in seeing… Twin Creek Cinema – Bellevue, NE 68123 – Reviews: Movie Theaters Taken from this page.

Bargain Bin STDs

10:15 Elz: maybe she got herpes 10:15 Me: lol 10:16 Me: ’tis better to give than to receive. 10:16 Elz: yewwwwwwwwwwwww 10:16 Elz: I want none of that! 10:16 Elz: Mister!!!!! 10:16 Me: It’s the thought that counts. 10:16 Elz: yeah…well….you can’t take it back 10:17 Me: It’s like getting something someone bought on clearance?…