
I finally voted for a major party candidate for President. A first. Celebrations last night and today. I’ll really let loose if NE-2 puts an electoral vote in Obama’s column. I cannae believe Indiana went Obama too. This is real dogs and cats living together stuff here. And now a word from the curmudgeon in…

Suppressed Optimism

Compulsively throughout the day I go check this and then I go check this. And then I try to not get my hopes up…. It’s not working. An election just might go the right way this century.

Sarah Palin Yahoo account hacked

Sarah Palin Yahoo account 2008 – Wikileaks Come for the lulz, stay for the uncomfortable feeling that perhaps hacking email because you are able to might possibly be worse than using private email accounts for government business. Seriously, though, it takes some kind of stupid to use an email service like Yahoo!/MSN/Gmail for anything other…