RAGBRAI routes

Day Route Visualize Importable RAGBRAI Map July 19, Sunday Sioux City to Storm Lake Google Map GPX PDF July 20, Monday Storm Lake to Fort Dodge Google Map GPX PDF July 21, Tuesday Fort Dodge to Eldora Google Map GPX PDF July 22, Wednesday Eldora to Cedar Falls Google Map GPX PDF July 23, Thursday…

The people’s card game

This is a good article about euchre[1]. Since moving back to the cribbage belt I don’t think I’ve been able to scare up more than five games in the last ten years. [1] http://www.theawl.com/2015/06/the-peoples-card-game

Wash often

Possibly the weirdest Kickstarter campaign I’ve ever seen: The Pokie [1]. Fleece isn’t particularly great at hiding the snail trails. [1] https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1084791252/the-pokie

Bitchin’ rad cool

Dude plugs a 1986 Mac Plus into the modern World Wide Web [1]. Of course doing this involves some serious bit of nerding out with a Pi, a chain of interface adapters, and a stroke of good luck. Using it takes much patience. I remember spending many lunch periods in the library lab writing a…


This looks like a fun project: http://qrznow.com/converting-morse-code-text-arduino/. If nothing else, that flowchart is a great visual for learning “the code.”

Build Nazi

It’s every CM worker bee’s Sisyphean nightmare. Goddamn developers breaking builds and then leaving them hanging around all day without a claim. Behold the latest weapon in my arsenal of jokey (but not really, dude, I’m serious here) hints to fix/claim your broken builds.

Hurfing the durf

It’s days like today when I want to be all “hurf durf global warming buuurrrrnnnnnn” to my denier friends who hurf durf about snow (OMG!) and cold (in winter even!) but are conveniently weather ignorant on days like today: But instead I tell myself that weather does not equal climate, that the warming trend is…