Keeping up

I’ve replicated a goodly bit of build infrastructure at the home front now and have poked holes into the LAN so it is available to the outside world. It’s a bit exciting if you’re into this kind of thing. Confluence: Stash: Jenkins: Tomcat: Apache: Artifactory: Need to set up port…

Dirty Tricksy Sneaky Sneaks!

I swear that some folks I work with believe in their heart of hearts that my teammates and I spend our days randomly futzing with the configuration of things. They encounter a behavior they don’t expect and–boom–“why did you guys change $THING?” $THING has remained unchanged ever since we set $THING up for $SPECIAL_GUY. Nothing…

Better than anticipated

Back in the day I’d digitize stuff by taking audio off my receiver and run it into the audio-in on my computer. I was lazy the other day and decided I wanted to try to pull sound directly off the sound card. And that’s how I found Audio-Recorder [1]. It’s easy enough to install and…

Boring old man stuff

Here’s a question I never thought I’d have to ask: Why do medical-grade, 30-40mmhg compression stockings have to be so bland? All of the boring ‘B’ colors are represented; black, beige, and navy blue. They do have white for the dashing, athletic types, but that’s it–and–whitey tighties for legs? Ick. I would be way more…


Sometimes there are things that I just need. Like this tshirt:

Surprise! It’s your past!

So I there I was, looking for some esoteric track for a mix I’m kind of puttering with, when I came across a blast from the past. Buried in a tarball in a directory in the dark corners of my filesystem was a soundboard recording I made back when I was a DJ at WFHB.…

The enemy of the good

So some time right before RAGBRAI I figured out that $CURRENTISP does not block out-going port 80 HTTP traffic. This immediately got my brain to wanting to shift my platform to something JSP-like running under Tomcat on a server in my basement. Needless to say, it is one of about five outstanding projects that I…