For Elizabeth

Q: How do you get four elephants into a Mini? A: Two in front and two in back Q: What game do four elephants in a Mini play? A: Squash Q: How do you get an elephant into the fridge? A: Open the door, insert the elephant, close the door Q: How do you get…

Random things

Here are some random things that probably deserve their own posts but life has conspired against this. I walked in to the men’s room at $LOCAL_GROCER–a 1 and 1 set up. There was a pair of legs visible under the stall wall and the urinal was empty. The odd thing? The stall door was wide…

Calling Nemo

Is it pretty cool to listen to real-time underwater acoustic observation platforms? You bet it is! Problems encountered Very few of the listening posts are currently active Some of the listening posts didn’t load in a timely fashion Godforsaken, stupid, Flash-only interface to whole damn site But the site is probably bandwidth heavy and currently…

Gooseberry wine?

Friday night we mixed up the second run of wine at Circle Bar Winery. Into the fermenter went: 96 ounces of gooseberries 4 gallons of water 12 pounds of cane sugar 1.5 teaspoons of acid blend 4 teaspoons of yeast nutrient 2 teaspoons of pectin enzyme 1/2 teaspoon of tanin 4 crushed Campden tablets Initially…

Personal growth

Oh hooray! It’s annual review time! The time of year where we have to scramble to find a few uninterrupted hours in our busy days to fill out online forms telling folks how we think we did in the past year. How well we’ve fulfilled arbitrary goals measured with arbitrary metrics that, while relevant twelve…

Bottling Day is tomorrow

It must be Bottling Day tomorrow. Either that or I’ve washed and de-labelled a few dozen+ wine bottles for no reason. Went downstairs and talked to the wine tonight. She’s as ready as we are.


Wasabi Peas and Good ‘n’ Plenty share a great many traits. Both are coated snacks. Both have outer-components with flavors Elz does not find offensive. Both have inner-components with flavors that Elz finds offensive. Both can be eaten by the handful but are best savored individually. Both run out long before you’re done snacking on…