Santa’s Brewery

Thanks to Santa I’ve got a pressure cooker and some other toys. Working on my first set of slants for yeast [1] right now. I’ve got two Wyeast strains in the fridge and could possibly be picking up another depending on what gets brewed this weekend. Still trying to choose from amonst these choices. another…


Because I’m cranky today…and a veteran of sorts: citizens who are willing to sacrifice other citizens to some nameless enemy to somehow save soldiers because they support our troops are dolts. Actually folks who say all kinds of stupid crap as some way of proving up their “support our troops” credibility rub me exactly the…

Battle plan

I’m currently sitting here questioning whether or not I’m coming down with a cold. Perhaps the winning move is to drink enough so that when I definitely feel like crap tomorrow the question is moot. Certainly one approach to resolving the dilemma.

Christmas list

A co-worker pointed me to BeardBrand [1] for some awesome mustache wax [2]. Clubman [3] has gotten me through the better part of a year, to be sure, but the vagaries of winter condensation/freezing/reheating can quickly turn a well waxed mustache into something that looks like oozing snotpuss on one’s upper lip. If you leave…


And for today’s ear worm: Sit tight and listen keenly while I play for you a little brand new musical biscuit. Big Audio Dynamite – C’mon Every Beatbox This is one of those moments where I suddenly remember in great detail an album I played into the ground but haven’t thought of in probably more…