Like a boss

Worth it for the Winnie the Pooh line if nothing else: Twin Bed. [1]


This is eerily great and horrible all at the same time. Conference call ambiance [1]. I’ve listened to it for a few hours and it totally enhanced my flow since working felt like I was ducking a horribly long meeting.

Commercial yeast origins

It came to my attention that Mr. Malty (generally awesome) [1] has compiled|published|what-have-you a number of charts (2) that identify the brewery source for various strains sold commercially. I’m a Wyeast man myself so the Wyeast Strains Chart [2] is where I’m at. There’s a separate chart for the White Labs [3] folks too. Some…

Goals past and present

I pretty much failed at 2013’s goal of tasting and grading 50 beers. I did pretty good at the front part of that goal, mind you, but it’s the second half of the process that proved difficult. I did a reasonably good job of exploring the world of Trappist abbey ales and found an IPA…

There’s worse

Started using Everpad [1] on my linux workstation this evening. It’s more responsive than the crapping Thunderbird extension [2] which, in the end, is merely a Mozilla browser window embedded as a tab running against the Evernote [3] site. Using Firefox is fine for that, as far as that goes…which isn’t far at all. The…


Remember the first time you tried a craft beer? The first time you bought wine that wasn’t on the bottom shelf? The first time you wore silk anything? The first time I used Woodsman Mustache Wax [1] was like that. Oh for all that is holy, this stuff is ridiculous. A little BB-sized ball is…