You probably do care…a little

What do you want to eat tonight? I don’t know. What do you want? I don’t care. I don’t care either. Seemless Roulette [1] will probably cure you of this sort of malaise. [1]

Torch me up

Torch music that has the intended effect: The number of female vocalists on “my list” reads like a prospectus for the next TLC polyamory-sploitation reality series.

Omsk on 20 meters

It took about fifteen minutes of calling to get through but I finally made contact with UA9MA. Gena (short for Genaddij) had an incredible signal all across North America by the sounds of it. I captured the QSO although there it is obvious I need to do some tweaking of the audio in from my…


Lancer fans like to hold their organization up as a paragon of class in the USHL. And yet the organization does things like this:


I was spinning around the 20 meter band this evening looking for entertainments and was not disappointed. The band is quirky this time of night (in my experience) and sometimes you find interesting signals. Radio Havana Cuba [1] broadcasts in AM on 14.295mHz which is right in the thick of the internationally designated 20 meter…

The ‘y’ isn’t silent

Yemen. Sure, it’s spelled with a ‘y’ but through a weird quirk in translation, it’s actually pronounced like an ‘s’. I know…I’ll never graduate from middle school.


Currently hearing KC4AAC [1] on 18.110mHz. Can’t copy it well and the pileup is beyond my little 100 watts of reach. Still, wow, radio from Antarctica. [1]