On a scale of one to ten

How passive aggressive would it be if I sent the owners of broken builds birthday cards on the anniversaries* of those builds being broken? * Say…One Week, One Month, One Quarter, Half a Year, and then on each year? As weird as it might sound, one build in particular is less than two months away…

How Docker Is a Dick

You know Docker, that darling of the digerati? The application that is revolutionizing the DevOps world? That god damned motherfucking piece of ill behaved software that is as smug and patronizing as most everyone I’ve ever come in contact with who preaches the Gospel of Docker? My anger, it is getting ahead of me. Sorry.…

Soldering on

$50+ replacement part or half an hour with a screwdriver and a soldering iron?  I’ll take the latter. And that’s how I fixed the Egglet’s aux line in. And, yes, I use a soldering iron with as much skill as a three year old dope fiend going through withdrawals after snorting a pound of French…

Not falling for that one…

Hockey player engages in a little trickeration [1] before the face off. Penalties are assessed [2]. [1] https://twitter.com/HockeyWebCast/status/650064535345344512 [2] https://twitter.com/SportUppsala/status/649953555340767232

That kind of day

So among the tabs open in my browser currently: Office Space on IMDB A Google image search for “whale tail women” A Google image search for “unnaturally polish -nail -finger -toe” It’s been that sort of day. I don’t know what category it gets sorted into, mind, but whatever category that is, this day gets…

Word salad

Haste and crappy smartphone keyboards notwithstanding, a modicum of editing will save folks from wasting even more time replying to that email with a “WTF English please” follow up.