The downside

The downside to removing myself from Facebook is that no one hears my humble brags. For example, I crushed a ride last night. First outdoor ride of the year. And while it’s all over Strava and Endomondo, no one I know hangs out there. Nor do they hang out here. So now I’m bragging into…

Brave New Design

I’ve been toying with HTML5 and CSS3 in spare moments the last week or two and I’ve got a spanky new layout predicated on a modified workflow here at Black Fez Productions. Of course, now I want to break from WordPress and go with something more Java-like. Which, of course, means moving everything over to…

Draft Day Approaches

Leaving for the city of mighty winds and broad shoulders for the 36th[?] annual CFCL baseball draft. It looks to be a hard year for the Beatniks as we are suffering under a penalty for releasing Denver’s most notorious wife beater, Jose Reyes. Still, there is baseball, comraderie, and crepes in my immediate future. And…

Rage quit

Ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! I told you so, Internet Brogrammers! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Love, Your humble build monkey

Writing checks

Am I writing checks my body cannot cash? So far this season I’m committed to riding BRAN, the first two days of RAGBRAI, and—now that I’ve heard of it—I really want to do the Dubuque Gran Fondo. Doing a gran fondo puts me on the edge of racing and a new/higher level of commitment to…

The perfect golf club name

The “Some rich asshole” to “Some rich asshole” browser plugin makes this caption funnier than it should be: Some rich asshole speaks about the results of the Michigan, Mississippi, and other GOP primaries at his rich asshole National Golf Club in Jupiter, Florida, March 8, 2016. Heh. …his rich asshole National Golf Club…

Nerd humor cubed

Funny: April Fools’ Tech joke Funnier: Sharing the joke 11 months after the joke was posted Funnier still: The resulting Microsoft v. Linux flame war

Funtoo logo


This last weekend I was huddled in the basement instead of soaking in the abnormally warm weather. What started as a collection of minor annoyances with Sabayon’s Linux distro turned into a full-blown fit of pique. Yet another distro that drove me bats with frequent updates that broke nvidia drivers each time. Then some obscure…

Shortie Digits

My contribution to the continuing decline of political discourse in this country: Short Fingers. A Tumblr featuring manipulated[?] images of Donald Trump’s tiny hands. It’s small. It’s petty. It’s a thing that has gotten under Trump’s skin since the heyday of Spy magazine. And, damn, if it isn’t funny.