
The degree to which my morning commute is structured around the likelihood of scoring Spitz Cracked Pepper sunflower seeds is approaching silly. Even sillier? It’s been three days and I haven’t found any in the usual spots. I’ve been reduced to Giants’ inferior product.

A close approximation

The mighty M-981 available as a 1:35 plastic model: Notable features: Two realistic crew figures Plentiful accessories For the sake of realism I hope those plentiful accessories include cans of beer, pr0n magazines, tins of smoked oysters and other potted meats, and goth chicks to provide entertainments on the weekends. Additional models not shown:…

The new phonebooks are here!

To say I’ve enjoyed the Wool1 saga by Hugh Howey is an understatement. It’s probably the best long-arc dystopian fiction I’ve ever read. For a kid coming of age in Reagan’s America, I had nightmares of how living in fallout shelters might work. The numbers of generations needed to outlive the half life of nuclear…

And you think my statuses are impenatrable

Doing my weekly tour of WriteIIsConfig FAILED Google search results I came across something in the Microsoft KnowledgeBase with this heading: You receive error code 0x80071a90 during Standalone or Configuration Manager Integration setup of MBAM 2.0. <DanHudson>WWWHHHHAAAAAAT?!</DanHudson>

ESPN on Sunday

Is it the case that the Yankees and Red Sox play every Sunday night or does ESPN show reruns of past games when they don’t?  Because these two teams are on every time I try to watch Sunday night baseball and frankly wouldn’t mind if the ball field opened up and swallowed both teams into…

Caught in the crossfire

In which Directioners take on my parents’ younger siblings’ generation’s band, The Who. Read more at:,101691/