Paging Mr. Zog

Went looking for mustache wax here in the West of O over lunch and came up 0 for 3. Guessing no one west of 72nd Street has a stylish mustache? Did Council Bluffs intercept the mustache wax supply truck as it was heading west? Do the denizens of West O have some secret mustache wax…

I told you so

Coworker: Can you help me fix this? Me: If you remove something from the solution you need to tell the installer solution to not look for it any more. [a minute passes] Me: Oh, you’re probably aware of this, but if you remove that you need to coordinate this with all of the downstream consumers.…

Omaha: The Movie

It’s here! It’s finally here! Omaha: The Movie is finally at Amazon Instant! Yes, I ordered my copy already. Guess what I’m watching tonight? Intrigued yet? Secure your own at:

Lambda lambda lambda

It can help ya help ya help ya. It’s Python’s lambda function1! Pesky urllib2 not allowing you to construct a DELETE request? Environment Overlords not letting you install a sane http module like Requests2? Don’t like what a module you have no control over is doing for you? Lambda the damn thing! For example urllib2…

The binary scale

My manager type person just asked me if I though a proposed story was something I could bang out. To which I replied thought it was bangable. Which makes is a “1” on the binary scale. Which, if you get right down to it, is the scale that matters way more than the traditional 1…

Fantasy whinge

I am the Dusty Baker of fantasy baseball management. Betancourt brings this year’s Beatniks count of season/career ending injuries to at least three and possibly as many as five depending on how Marshall and Revere shake out. On the pitching side of the roster there are six DL residents, further evidence of my Bakerness. Also…

Eating crow…sort of

In the past I’ve made no bones about rather having Cory Schneider in goal rather than Roberto Luongo. Schneider is the more technically adept goalie. He has likely has better instincts. Most importantly, however, he isn’t prone to the kinds of meltdowns that turn Luongo into merely an above-average NHL goalie. On the other hand,…