
Today is depressing [to me] for all the wrong reasons. Staying away from the public garment rending and victimized jingoism that is social media for the next 24 hours.


I’m not the most rabid football fan out there. I live in an area where it is hard to root for the dominant program for $REASONS while none of the other programs provide much reason to root. My other alma mater has a joke of a program so rooting for them is even more depressing.…


Do not approach, suspect is possibly dangerous. Upon sighting, notify authorities. Current mood:

Ecoutez — The playlist

So here’s the playlist for my Mefi 2013-2 Swap cd. Linked files are flac (lossless, large, and possibly an issue for non-techie/Windows folks). All tracks downloaded are roughly 450MB so plan accordingly… Commando Spatial :: Orchestre dirige Jacques Dejean avec Virginie Rodin Palladium The Hip :: Liz Brady Fille a la Moto :: Dani Rouge,…


The whitest thing I’ve ever witnessed was Elizabeth’s face seconds before she administered her first insulin shot. But then, with the help of her big girl panties, she jabbed that sucker in and pushed the plunger with nary a problem. Very proud of her. On the other hand, she won’t share the spider ring she…


A watched test fixture never finishes. A fresh checkout never ends. A watched build never completes. Transactions wise, dependencies foolish. Branching day sucks.


Here’s the album cover art for my contribution to the 2013-2 MeFiSwap. I’m throwing together an album of 60s – 70s French lady pop. After all, I’m way into it at the moment, why wouldn’t other folks be as well? Still shoring up the track list but will post that as well once I get…