International Convoy Day

Instead of boring old October 4th, can we designate today as one of the following? Talk Like a Trucker Day CB Radio Day Good Buddy Day Bandit Day Burt Reynolds Day C.W. McCall Day Convoy Day Because that would tickle my sensibilities a bit.


Every so often I think to myself, “I can live with the idea of linguistic descriptivism. It’s so democratic. The rules of language are so obviously fluid.” Then I read a random sampling of Facebook posts and the visceral reaction pretty much shoots that notion dead. Prescriptivist 4 Life, yo! Yes, that is the face…


Greetings random American “barrista”! For your information there is, in fact, a difference between a cappuccino and a latte. You have been warned. Have a nice day.


Welcome to the 1970’s [1], Microsoft. On the other hand, better late than never. This very much resolves an issue in a less kludgey way. [1]

Special powers

I think the special power I’d most like to have is to stop time in the sense that the world around me freezes. It’s difficult to attend to the mundane when the overarching compels attention and right now I’ve got banalities like Wisconsin has cheddar.

Steampunk WWW

Overheard in re: a Metafilter conversation [1] about the original cross platform web browser; a line-mode application which is essentially a TTY [2] interface. Imagine that… a typewriter that types by itself like some kind of terrible player piano. You read what it’s writing while it chatters away. And then once in a while it…