
Bananaphone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSZuPt74e_c I cannot remove any of this from the very front of my brain right now and it is quite possibly killing me.


You know what really rocks on Windows? Git’s bash shell [1] wrapped with Console2 [2]. Git [3]: Come for the awesome revision control, stay for the bonus command shell. I know I’ve nattered on about Console2 before [4] but that was just window dressing. Having an honest-to-goodness bash shell on a windows platform is real…


Five gallons of Counciltucky Pale Ale into the keg. Attenuation wasn’t as good as I would have liked with a 1.069 OG only getting down to 1.015. That’s what I get for using an ESB yeast for an IPA. I do like the higher floculation and I think the extra maltiness will help take the…

Future home?

The as-yet unnamed micro brewery and tap room would look pretty good here [1] don’t you think? Deliveries could be a bitch as there’s no dock but I like the look of the building a lot. There’s even an apartment on the second floor. [1] http://www.heartlandproperties.com/details.asp?mls=12002464


Kind of goes without saying: You can’t do that. [1] [1] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=josEPIBNhEw#t=11

The Hangover

There must be something in “your dad’s beer” that isn’t in the beer I would normally drink. I was about as useful as a wet towel yesterday. On the other hand, I went from the last third of season four all the way to the first two episodes of season six in my Breaking Bad…


It’s hockey time in Ralston tonight! A double dose of live hockey this weekend. Not sure how I’m going to make it through the next seven hours at work.