
Yet another half a day spent chasing down issues for folks who are using version control. Notice I said ‘using’ not ‘using with a single shred of logic or forethought for what these actions might bring.’ Hence the venting.

Pick up line generator

Girl, you must be a tiger because you are any of various similar wild felines, such as the jaguar, mountain lion, or lynx. Courtesy of the You Must Be [1] pick up line generator. I love these kinds of things. [1] http://tinysubversions.com/stuff/youMustBe/


Is this the part of the day where I remark on how tired I am, that I’m not particularly keen on the idea of going into work today, that one of the drawbacks to dogs is their unwillingness to be litter trained, and that Oxford commas are the bomb? If so, you can pretty much…


Are you ready for a psychobilly revival tent meeting? The Reverend Horton Heat [1] will be at the Waiting Room on January 15, 2014 [2]. I will probably be there as well. Earplugs recommended. [1] http://www.reverendhortonheat.com/ [2] http: //www.songkick.com/concerts/18604739-reverend-horton-heat-at-waiting-room

A sad thing

Former Lincoln Stars head coach Chad Johnson was found dead [1] in Fargo. While authorities don’t suspect foul play the framing looks an awful lot like something that would be hard to describe as accidental. Makes his stated reason for resigning days before the season started sound a lot more ominous. A sad day in…

Buellering it up

Playing hooky today and did Omaha proper. Takin’ care of business Zoo tour Late sushi lunch with a bottle o’ wine Dessert and coffee ….and now off to a hockey game! All of this and I still have a full weekend of slacking before me. My baby treats me right.