Happy thoughts
Things are looking up!
Things are looking up!
This is an entertaining read: Fulfillment—A short story by Miracle Jones. The “Jeff Bezos looks like” bit was particularly funny…because it is more or less true. [1] http://miraclejones.blogspot.com/2013/11/fulfillment.html?
Five minutes to carving this beautiful bird.
Beer, Tasting notes
All bad. You do that, you go to the box, you know. Two minutes by yourself, and you feel shame, you know. In a movie full of great dialog, this may be the most overlooked quote of all.
Another from the archives: Too Much Joy – King of Beers [1]. There was a time that this song made it on to any single mix tape I would make, regardless of the intended audience. I liked it that much. [1]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxcqTk4nwKQ
Not even sure why…but this was stuck in my head when I woke up this morning: Baby Cakes – Role Play Tournament [1] [1] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2XGp5ix8HE
Getting a rare chance to do some serious refactoring and have committed to doing it “right” with TDD. To that end I’ve been introduced to my new friend Moq [1]—a lazy-evaluating object mocking framework. Abstract your objects to interfaces and then create a new Mock object with the interface as its type… and Bob’s your…
Awesome story ripped from Metafilter [1]. WWII vet learns his gesture has been immortalized in a Belgian town. Makes me smile. …except for the latrine helmet thing. Maybe didn’t need that detail. [1] http://www.metafilter.com/134178/That-time-a-beer-wasnt-just-a-beer