Pet peeve

Folks who refer to tasks/items that fall outside the general case as “onesies and twosies”, especially in a business setting, drive me frickin’ bats. It is, as one might just as inappropriately say in this setting, “cutsie wootsie”. That is all.


I really want to brew a kölsch but I already have a cream ale that is ready to keg, carbonate, and drink. I also have on hand the ingredients to brew another dubbel and I should get around to using those ingredients soon. But I have my brain set on drinking a kölsch right now.

Spring is coming

It’s that time of year where I find myself idly clicking over to the fantasy baseball team’s league site in the event there is news. Random moments of considering draft strategies fill my commutes. I’m even considering adding fantasy baseball podcasts back into the commuting rotation. Pitchers and catchers report soon, no?

Like a boss

Worth it for the Winnie the Pooh line if nothing else: Twin Bed. [1]


This is eerily great and horrible all at the same time. Conference call ambiance [1]. I’ve listened to it for a few hours and it totally enhanced my flow since working felt like I was ducking a horribly long meeting.

Commercial yeast origins

It came to my attention that Mr. Malty (generally awesome) [1] has compiled|published|what-have-you a number of charts (2) that identify the brewery source for various strains sold commercially. I’m a Wyeast man myself so the Wyeast Strains Chart [2] is where I’m at. There’s a separate chart for the White Labs [3] folks too. Some…