Working smarter, not harder

New-to-me Windows DOS commands that are equivalent to bash commands that I always use. Another in a long series. runas [1] Equivalent to sudo, allows one to run commands as a different user assuming one knows the password for that user pushd [2] Maps a network location as a volume popd [3] Drops that mapping…

Go hockey

For once the NHL trade deadline is more entertaining than MLB’s. Watching the Canucks as sellers is kind of difficult though. Especially if Kesler goes (as is anticipated). 

Jenkins agent logs

It’s always fun to read Jenkins agent logs in the voice of Dobby. For example: Feb 28, 2014 9:52:50 AM hudson.remoting.Engine waitForServerToBack INFO: Master isn’t ready to talk to us. Will retry again: response code=503


So I’ve installed the Cloud to Butt plugin [1] for Mozilla (Chrome extension here [2]). I’ve probably mentioned it before. If not, it simply replaces instances of ‘the cloud’ with ‘my butt’ on any web page that gets loaded. Today I looked at the plugin page because I was mentioning it to someone else. Even…

It has begun

A sign my brain is out to get me: All morning by brain has been singing to me a mash up of Billy Joel’s Big Shot and Run DMC/Aerosmith’s Walk This Way. Mostly it’s the words to Walk This Way as sung by Billy Joel and to Big Shot’s melody. And I hate the musical…

No rest for the wicked

The thought I was thinking sometime after 03:00 this morning but was too zoned to put together the skills required to post this online: I would be able to sleep if I could just clear this ticklish lump from my throat. Judging by the difficulty of this task and the general location of the ticklishness…