Funner than it looks

A thing I’m working on is supposed to interact with a Scheduled Task [1] if it exists. Instead of writing out my own parser for this backwater of the Windows operating system I found something lying about at CodePlex [2]. As far as documentation goes, this one is pretty decent [3]…for a CodePlex project. Then…


My first stint of four weeks between INR readings turned out to be flawless. Despite my inconsistent diet and periodic consumption of alcohol my levels have stayed within the therapeutic range ever since the Great Blood Clot and Pulmonary Embolism Fest of 2014. Best news: I get another four week reprieve before visiting the bloodsuckers…

Inches and miles

They‘re forcing you to virtualize your production SVN server. Your physical server has eight physical cores that can act as sixteen thanks to hyper-threading. The virtual machine they give you has two cores. You ask for sixteen. They hold at two. You make the switch-over and go live and the new virtual machine tanks. You…


Best quote so far of the 2014 Giant Repository Tools Relocation Effort: Powershell is very powerful, but incredibly broken as a language.

Missed connections

I really like this. If Craigslist could make this an actual sub-site I would be an avid contributor. Missed Connections for A-holes [1]. [1]

It works

My ghetto stir plate in action: Cannibalized computer case fan and some cheap parts from Radio Shack make the stir bar go around. LED light is totally gratuitous.

Shoot the receptionist first

Why I Drink reason #376: Security theater emails that make the most convenient doors off-limits because they’re “unsupervised”. They’re badge-access controlled and have video monitoring but apparently that is not enough. So now when a disgruntled employee wants to shoot up the place, they’re just going to have to shoot the receptionist first I guess.…

Historical record

It was nearly a decade ago when I first watched Pure Pwnage [1]. Weird because in today’s planning meeting I was reaching for a jokey reference during a conversation about how a co-worker’s gamer skills are now as to compared with his skills in the Atari 2600 era. I asked if he had uber micro…