
My favorite typo of the day so far: oslution. Like something you’d find in poetry written by a frustrated chemist… O, Slut ion Whence will you bond? My feelings remain positive Your affect remains negative Still alone, we drift in solution


Dudes in the next set of cubes over are discussing how lame owning a Prius is, mostly by bagging on the higher-than-most MPG a Prius gets. Because it’s so much fun to pay for gas as frequently as possible?


ESPN is locking down their public API effective December of this year. While I never did more than plonk against it, that was because the functionality was exceptionally limited. I understand that they’re sitting on a goldmine of stats and information but there is a whole mess of potentially awesome applications that could be developed…

Tapioca bitches

I’ve been hanging out with a new crop of the oldsters lately. I can’t imagine they’re representative of their generation at large. On the other hand, they’re very Teabaggy. At any rate, I’ve had to sit through several of these lately. And it’s getting real old.

Spinning classics

Behold the Rek-O-Kut turntable, my father’s pride and joy. Special were the days we were allowed to play records on it. Many more were the days we played records without permission. Finally hooked it up to an amp and speakers tonight. My god this is a great turntable. Rock solid performance and completely isolated from…