Aren’t you thirsty yet?

Supraliminal Message: An image in your field of vision that is so long lasting that you cannot see it with the naked eye yet it imprints its information on the subconscious mind.

QSL from China

Speaking of QSL cards, a SWIARC ham, KQ0J, just received a QSL card from a contact he made in China [1]. I can’t wait to get on the air! [1]

QSL Card

My latest iteration of the QSL card. Getting happier with it by and by. I like the 1864 Johnson map of the area for the historical oddities but it is a little busy even when washed out. If anyone knows where to find a line drawing of the six state area centered along the Missouri…

Odd pastime

I like to make snarky comments to the spam email I receive. It must be some vestigial thing left over from the days before email spam—when every email you received had been laboriously typed by someone you had a reasonable expectation to be corresponding with. Like there’s someone on the other side of this who…

The antenna

My 43′ vertical antenna kit and enough coax to park it at the top of the backyard are whizzing their way to the Tuck as I type this. It’s the final piece of the getting-to-broadcast-on-HF puzzle. A 43′ vertical is a nice compromise antenna that can be tuned with my radio’s on board antenna matcher…


At what point do you unsubscribe from a feed or podcast instead of just bulk deleting the stuff it throws at you because you’re not interested in reading or listening? For me that threshold is remarkably high. I think I delete at least half of the stuff in my feed reader without even skimming these…

Million dollar idea

Overheard in a meeting in re sneaking alcohol onto a plane: Time release shots Perhaps I need to talk to my father about putting this together. He needs something to do in his retirement from organic chemistry.

I nominate Courtney Cox

Dumping ice water on your head is good and all but when my Facebook feed is >40% ice water challenge videos I’m going to say this feels a little played out. Let me know when the meme morphs into the bukkake challenge for HIV research.