Route 66 On the Air

Bagged two Route 66 special station calls [1] tonight. Flagstaff, AZ (W6G) on 20 meters (14.25700) and St. Louis, MO (W6P) on the 40 meter band (7.27300). I was happy to get W6P tonight after unsuccessfully trying to get through last night. Only four days left to collect them all. [1]

Monetizing the fan base

I don’t think I’ve expressed much love for MLB since 1994. I enjoy the game of baseball. I like some of the teams and players. I just absolutely hate the governing body of professional baseball. A lot. Another exhibit in the bottomless stack of reasons why I hate MLB is this bit of spam I…

First QSL

My first HF QSL goes to W1AW Portable 7 [1] in Oregon on 7.170.0Mhz. Contact made at 2014 September 07 at 0349 UTC. The W1AW portable calls in 2014 are celebrating the 100 year anniversary of the ARRL [2] and every state gets two one week whacks at a portable call. Tonight’s station was located…

Wine FT Evernote

Who needs a native Linux client after all? Installing Evernote via Wine [1]. Happy to have a “native” desktop client of Evernote [2] running on my *nix box. [1] [2]

Who’s that?

From the who knew files: Who are Referee #35 and Linesman #85? [1]. In other news, the transition from baseball to hockey season continues to gain momentum in a way the Beatniks might only dream. [1]


Spotify predicts because I listened to The Ethiopians and Desmond Dekker, I’ll like this album. Well, Spotify, I will like this album. Just possibly not for reasons you think I will.


Gots to get some radials out on the antenna! Listened to Brazil (PT7ZT [1]) and if I heard it right, Armenia (EK something something something) on the 20 meter band tonight. Couldn’t do a damn diggity about powering through the pileups around the Brazil station because the antenna isn’t properly counterbalanced with ground radials. The…

It’s a hobby

Man launches balloons with radio transmitters [1] from Britain. Man eventually launches balloon that circumnavigates the globe [2]. Man makes other men exceedingly jealous with his awesome nerdery. [1] [2]