
I jokingly called Mirriam-Webster [1] a tool of the descriptivists in the middle of a grammar war. And then someone literally made my brain asplode. [1] [2]


I spent lunch today bouncing around area Post Offices until someone could definitively tell me that, while the USPS honors International Reply Coupons [1], they do not sell them [2]. So now sending a SASE to Omsk involves finding an online market for these products, knowing someone in a country with a postal service with…

Almost made it

So the blog gets a fair bit o’ comment spam. It gets filtered to the quarantine and every so often I go wading through that slime hole just on the odd chance someone real has commented on a post but got falsely accused. This is the degree to which I secretly covet comments on my…

You probably do care…a little

What do you want to eat tonight? I don’t know. What do you want? I don’t care. I don’t care either. Seemless Roulette [1] will probably cure you of this sort of malaise. [1]

Torch me up

Torch music that has the intended effect: The number of female vocalists on “my list” reads like a prospectus for the next TLC polyamory-sploitation reality series.

Omsk on 20 meters

It took about fifteen minutes of calling to get through but I finally made contact with UA9MA. Gena (short for Genaddij) had an incredible signal all across North America by the sounds of it. I captured the QSO although there it is obvious I need to do some tweaking of the audio in from my…