Good DX

Was able to make two international contacts this evening and they couldn’t have been more different. First was a gentleman in Brasil who runs a veritable QSO factory. When he taps you on the head it’s call sign, name, and signal report. If he’s feeling particularly generous he’ll give you his nickname. Dude makes at…

Still Obsessing

Yep. Still obsessing over this album: I wanted to say it makes me “sad but happy” or “happily sad” but I think the proper phrase, in this case then, is “voluntary wistfulness”. Voluntary wistfulness is also my description for pretty much every Wes Anderson movie.


I don’t know how they did it, but Canonical turned the normally frustrating and inane Eclipse environment set up into a god damn dog’s breakfast rotting on the steps to the portal of hell. I used to want to do a little brushing up on my Eclipse/Struts/Ajax skills but now I mostly just want to…

Beaten to the punch

You know that annoying habit I have of, upon hearing a phrase that tickles my ear in some way, saying “That’s going to be the name of my next band/album?” Well these dudes beat me to the punch on this one. May I introduce to you And, yes, they friggin’ rock some post-punk surf music.


The saddest commit message ever: Punting BugzID:XXX-NNNN On the other hand, I’m going home this evening.

Patria y Libertad

Doubled the number of radials on the 43′ vertical out back and I think I’ve cut down the background noise from about a S6 to a S4.5. Quiet stations are now a bit easier to pick up. Speaking of which…QSO with Cuba! 20 meters is truly the magic band. Sending this QSL card is going…


You’re standing in the electronics aisle of your favorite hardware store thinking to yourself “I’ve got a razor blade and some pliers. This should work.”  You are wrong. You’re standing in the electronics aisle of your favorite hardware store thinking to yourself “I’ve got pliers. Maybe the stripping tool is sufficient.”  You are still wrong.…