When EF Hutton speaks

I’d advise putting money into wood glue futures. Someone has about 40 linear feet of vinyl in various states of unclean and just found this link: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=e84_1415167372

Positive correlation

As the peppiness of the language in the email from HR announcing a new initiative increases so does the apprehension caused by reading said email. IT’S A BRAND NEW WORKDAY AT $FOO in the subject line pretty much puts the fear of god in me.

The odds

There is a significant non-zero chance that my work laptop is going to be accidentally dropped into a bathtub or the toilet before it is life-cycled next August. With every [un]docking turning into an exercise in willing the video driver to not BSOD I’m just about ready to hasten its demise. This crap doesn’t happen…

Calling CQ

Calling CQ is still a weird thing for me. I mostly just spin the dial and hope to find someone else calling CQ; or even better someone calling CQ DX or CQ Contest. These are great because it’s a narrow set of conversational topics. You get an RST, you give an RST, you exchange QTH…

Next great idea

From the list of things to do when I win the lottery: #59 Pimp an office chair with hydraulics, chrome-reverse caster wheels, and Rat Fink era eight-ball shifter + lever for controlling seat height. Factory options Sound system preloaded with Santana’s Low Rider Composting toilet seat Neon “batin!” sign Cross posted under reasons I should…

Silver linings

For lunch I chose the bad Chinese food vendor over the bad pasta vendor. My internals are beginning to convince the brain that this was a bad idea. There are hours until I can deal with this regally. [read: upon my proper throne] On the plus side, I received a “Get out of grizzly bear…

Does not have upper management written all over him

I hate interviews. Not to brag, but I think I’m a pretty good interviewee–at least based on interview::hire percentages. Still, uncomfortable occasions. But, fffuuuuhhhhhhhh…being the interviewer is orders of magnitude worse. My people battery is completely drained and it’s barely the afternoon.

Nag nag nag nag nag

The smart watch is a pretty cool thing to have around. Except it’s like the biggest nag on the planet. This probably says more about me than it does the technology though. The default proposed “activity” goal of 10,000 points per day is just not happening. I’m thinking that if this was a smart ring…