Dubious victory

Is there really a sense of accomplishment in clearing the “immediate needs” support list just so I have time tomorrow to sit through two classes on secure coding and write my annual self-evaluation? Definitely unrelated: have I recently grumbled about how much I hate the make-work foo-fah that is the annual self-evaluation? In terms of…

An Intro to V–

Here’s a bit o’ geek humor, guaranteed to counter the cooling effects of the December air on your cockles: http://stilldrinking.org/the-fizzbuzz-from-outer-space-explained

Support site hell

Go to Microsoft’s support page regarding VisualStudio 2013 Update 3 Look for a link to download VisualStudio 2013 Update 3 In lieu of finding said link, find a link “Download the latest Visual Studio 2013 update package now” Click that link Find yourself looking at the download page for VisualStudio 2013 Update 4 Pray to…

Does not scale

I’m going through the 2+ years of photos and videos I finally offloaded from my phone and came across this one from May 27 of this year. Not sure why I took the picture. I guess I was demonstrating that our toaster’s production capacity does not scale well and we might experience shortages under load.

Not good

Top five things to never put in a dryer: A chenille blanket A chenille blanket A chenille blanket A chenille blanket A chenille blanket and a bunch of other clothes

Judgement Night

When this album [1] hits it, it hits it real good. When it misses, it is obvious. It’s the musical equivalent of middle-late 80s Steve Balboni [2]. [1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_FhUOpXz-c&list=PLZ2HwSs4ohWUyNLfezod0DKo2R_8G8mFR [2] http://www.baseball-reference.com/players/b/balbost01.shtml

Fail-state = FAIL

Using Ubuntu 14.04 which is the current LTS release I was able to install Gnome-Do [1] and basically rock it. Gnome-Do is a port/clone of the Quicksilver app for Macs. It’s a launcher but so much more. It follows a subject/predicate/[object] syntax activated by a key combination. It’s also scriptable. Suddenly the mouse/touchpad becomes an…