Angry lizard

This could have been sent as a followup to a theoretical conversation one could imagine overhearing in CubeLand on a day like today:

Ha ha?

Funny ha ha or funny sad? I first read this at least 25 years ago. I think it influenced my developmental arc more than I would like…

The long fellow of the law

The Bush/Cheney administrations’ days of international travel are over. [1] On the one hand, “surely this…” On the other: THOUGH the mills of God grind slowly, Yet they grind exceeding small; Though with patience he stands waiting, With exactness grinds he all. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow [2] [1] [2]


Bless you. Claude Giroux wipes a booger on the linesman prior to taking a faceoff. Nice!


Fish and chips always makes a return call. It may take most of a day–at most, but extracts its vengeance in due time.


Caffeine intake so far: one of those Monster coffee-like energy drinks and two cups of coffee. Still dragging ass. It’s going to take a skilled pilot to bring this one home safely.

The hotness

My previous manager, now executive director, is a bit of a Michigan fan. Michigan, whose football program is searching for a head coach, has been rumored to be courting Jim Harbaugh with numbers something like $48 million over eight years. Anyway, the numbers, they are not important. The important thing is that said executive director…