There’s worse

Started using Everpad [1] on my linux workstation this evening. It’s more responsive than the crapping Thunderbird extension [2] which, in the end, is merely a Mozilla browser window embedded as a tab running against the Evernote [3] site. Using Firefox is fine for that, as far as that goes…which isn’t far at all.

The good:

  • Heavily integrated into the Gnome/Cinnamon desktop
  • Lightweight and highly responsive
  • Supports some of the fancy note formatting available in the Windows/Mac client but not online or in the Thunderbird add-on

The bad:

  • Horrible sorting—no ability to sort notes by tags with a click
  • No ability to select multiple tags
  • No ability to select a tag + notebook combination

The bad things make it almost unusable as a primary GTD tool [4], which is what I use Evernote for. And, yet, I think I it makes a nice addition to the desktop. It’s under active development so here’s to hoping some of these crippling limitations are overcome in the near future.

I also spent a few minutes getting Infinality [5] installed/configured on my linux box. My font rendering is now on par with MacOS. The difference is truly incredible. Font rendering is one of those things that is generally pretty horrendous on *nix and after using MacOS, and I’ll even give Microsoft some love here, going back to a *nix box to plonk around on at home hurts. Infinality addresses this very well with the default settings. I’m not even sure it will be worth my while to wander back into that nest to do any additional tweaking.

All-in-all, a productive night on the laptop. I should do this more often.


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