Woo hoo!

I get to do some actual development work! As in, build something from scratch! Using patterns and stuff. This happens so rarely in a primary support role that when it does it is cause for celebration.

Two things

The phrase “Smoke test” makes me wince, especially when voiced by a particular person I am being paid back for missing two days earlier this week. I’m all Elvis, all TCB today.

One in a series

Memo to self: When doing a google image search for comical Austin Powers catchphrase related clip art at work, don’t. Unless you’re pretty strictly filtering your results list. Because, well, a whole panoply of macro images of young fillies in various states of undress isn’t really appropriate to be flashing up on one’s monitor. Pretty…

Not clairvoyant yet

Another in a series of passive-aggressive comments aimed at various co-workers. I still haven’t perfected my clairvoyance skill set. Please keep this in mind when handing off tasks that only you have worked on. This will expedite task completion to levels hopefully everyone involved finds acceptable.

Holy Tagmaster, Batman!

How long has it been since I’ve written CSS? Quite the stroll down memory lane today as I prettified some XSL transformed XML reports. Relatedly, I’d forgotten just how short browser implementation has come on the promise of serving XML and letting the client render things prettily. I’m all for stopping XSS attacks but good…

Subverting the paradigm

It’s one of those top-posted email chains. Probably best read from the bottom up. Oh, and HTML formatting by MS Outlook so there goes my validation… OTOH, I’m too lazy to clean it up so I get what’s coming to me I guess. Anyway, without further ado: From: XXXXXX, Anthony Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2009…

The Cycle Completes

120 minutes left in what is the last vestige of my previous life. The doors close at 5:00 p.m. and I will walk out of them for the last time as an employee of this institution. I can’t say as I’m totally happy about the situation. I can say that it will be nice to…