So long RSS?

I’ve been tinkering with pulling all of my generated content on other sites into a single, browsable, About Me kind of page here on SRT. On the flip side, I’ve been toying with how to create a nice portal that collects all of the various bits of content people I like create on various social…

Tears of Joy and Sorrow

A List Apart: Articles: A Preview of HTML 5 is a nice intro to HTML5 for those of you who haven’t been paying attention. I was among that group having spent more time looking at XHTML 1.1 and 2.0 development. The crossover with XML is the cooler set of toys in my mind. I found…

Hyperwords Project

Is it Web 2 3.0? Is it just a jumble of Firefox extensions? Is it useful? I’m not exactly sure. Still, the Hyperwords project is fascinating to me. It’s a Firefox extension that basically shortcuts a wide variety of search engines and other knowledge expansion tools. It also lets you work with the page or…