Losing my edge?

So I haven’t really been actively involved in the Microsoft/Windows development crowd in years (ever?). I have gone spelunking through the KB and the MSDN site on occasion and come back scarred and generally unhelped. It’s kind of a running gag with some folks in my circle that the difference between Linux and Microsoft forums…

Nerd humor cubed

Funny: April Fools’ Tech joke Funnier: Sharing the joke 11 months after the joke was posted Funnier still: The resulting Microsoft v. Linux flame war

Death by fire

Yet another reason for hating on Microsoft: NTLM. Specifically, that some folks insist on running SOAP services protected by NTLM. More particularly, SOAP services that are intended to be consumed by platforms other than Windows. And especially that no cross-platform scripting or programming language has native support for NTLM. With the coup de grace being…

Support site hell

Go to Microsoft’s support page regarding VisualStudio 2013 Update 3 Look for a link to download VisualStudio 2013 Update 3 In lieu of finding said link, find a link “Download the latest Visual Studio 2013 update package now” Click that link Find yourself looking at the download page for VisualStudio 2013 Update 4 Pray to…


Ding dong the witch is dead. The wicked witch is dead! Windows Aero’s Shake “feature” [1] has to be the single most annoying GUI behavior I’ve ever run across. In fact it took more than a year to figure out why, sometimes, my desktop would immediately minimize every window except for one. Eventually I got…


Trying to automate all the crap we have to do since corporate policy doesn’t allow static service account/password combos any longer. Hey, no problem, we could use RSA keys. Except, hey, Windows doesn’t do that. So now we’re spending $FOO on some stupid utility to manage, in bulk, Windows service account logons. And $FOO is…


Welcome to the 1970’s [1], Microsoft. On the other hand, better late than never. This very much resolves an issue in a less kludgey way. [1] http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc753194.aspx

And you think my statuses are impenatrable

Doing my weekly tour of WriteIIsConfig FAILED Google search results I came across something in the Microsoft KnowledgeBase with this heading: You receive error code 0x80071a90 during Standalone or Configuration Manager Integration setup of MBAM 2.0. <DanHudson>WWWHHHHAAAAAAT?!</DanHudson>

Major upgrades on instance transforms

Holy crap. The degree of dislike I have for Windows Installer service is already kind of pegged. An object lesson in overengineering for very little gain. Well, it could work awesomely if it wasn’t a backwater in Microsoftland and if the Microsoft supported authoring framework wasn’t an “open source” initiative that is completely understaffed. Then…

More cmd.exe help

So you’re in cmd.exe and you type ‘ls‘ expecting to get a directory listing. Instead cmd.exe gives you the finger. You give cmd.exe the finger back. Just then your boss walks by and sees you flipping off company property. Next thing you’re in her office having a discussion on appropriate workplace behavior. Having had enough…