Yo, Dawg, let me google that for you

A thing that needs to happen, Internet. A Yo Dawg/lmgtfy mashup. You provide it a search string and then it animates googling for lmgtfy. Then it animates clicking the result and landing on lmgtfy.com. Then it turns over the animation to lmgtfy to google the string you provided. All of this being narrated by the…

I nominate Courtney Cox

Dumping ice water on your head is good and all but when my Facebook feed is >40% ice water challenge videos I’m going to say this feels a little played out. Let me know when the meme morphs into the bukkake challenge for HIV research.

Glorious project

Some day I’m going to write a Kim Jong-il title generator based on this list of titles: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Kim_Jong-il%27s_titles. Glorious General, Who Descended From Heaven indeed!

Midweek NPR Meme

Ever notice NPR seems to have cornered the market on interesting names for presenters and reporters? Well, someone else has. The short of it being your NPR name is your first name with your middle initial stuck in it somewhere and the smallest foreign town you’ve ever visited. ‘Nick’ doesn’t lend itself well to adding…

Recursively yours,

So I added this blog to my Facebook profile. So now this entry will notify everyone who reads this blog that I have a Facebook profile. Then again, this entry will also notify everyone on Facebook that I’ve notified everyone on Facebook that I have a blog. I should see if WordPress has a widget…


I think I found out what my mother has been doing in her spare time lately. Honestly, she was a pretty authoritarian grassroots supporter. I stopped peeing at home because of her ruthless enforcement. Well, that and I started wiping up any stray bits after each violation of the rules. Nothing better than a naughty…