Anecdata on PC vs. Apple

So I’m in line for an upgrade on my workstation at $EMPLOYER. It’s a negotiated company buy so definitely not retail. Yet the same spec’ed laptop at the Apple store comes in at $6.00 less than the PC laptop that could be coming my way. So, yes, you can get cheap-ass PCs any day and…

Beer me, Marge

The new brew kettle has been ordered. The early Christmas present from the lovely Elizabeth was purchased earlier today as well. We won’t make a Christmas brew timeline, but I’m thinking a mid to late January First Round party is doable. I’m leaning Belgian White–but that’s because I drink the hell out of Blue Moon.…

Pandora’s Pandora

The best marketing gimmick the folks at Pandora Radio have for Pandora One? Regular old vanilla Pandora radio. Bought my subscription just a bit over a year ago and in a cost cutting move elected to not renew the subscription. How bad could it possibly be? Dumb question. Really bad. I renewed.


Yaesu FT-7900R dual-band mobile radio Yaesu YSK-7800 Separation Kit Yaesu MLS-100 External Speaker Comet CA-2X4SR mobile antenna Comet CP-5M universal adjustable lip mount Who’s excited? I’m excited

TV Land

The old crappy TV’s nervous breakdown indicators are picking up steam. We are also on the verge of the new HDTV epoch. I am rather excited about a PC-based home entertainment system. We are looking at one of these as a joint Christmas present to one-another: Sharp AQUOS Westinghouse LTV-32W6 HD Now I don’t need…

Mac Rumors post generated drool

Assuming Apple doesn’t blast the prices on the Mac Pro given the current prices reflect 2006 prices for 2006 technology, I will soon need to re-evaluate my tolerance for buying on credit. I haven’t purchased a computer since January of 2006 and no PC tower of any sort since November of 2001. The drool-inducing factor…


Is is so wrong to want one? Because, even though I know they’re releasing a new version in late winter/early spring that addresses the symbol access issues faced by programmers and that it would likely reduce my typing speed, it just reeks of cool. Besides, it is theoretically better for preventing RSIs and also allows…