Less please

I’ve been thinking on this for a while and I’ve decided I want a web browser that does less. I don’t want one that suggests URLs based on my browsing history. I don’t want one that guesses what I’m looking for as I type into the address bar. I don’t want one that tries to…


So I’ve installed the Cloud to Butt plugin [1] for Mozilla (Chrome extension here [2]). I’ve probably mentioned it before. If not, it simply replaces instances of ‘the cloud’ with ‘my butt’ on any web page that gets loaded. Today I looked at the plugin page because I was mentioning it to someone else. Even…

Inturdnet Exploder

If it weren’t for corporate intranet sites, there would be no reason for IE’s continued existence. I’m not sure if this is an indictment against IE or an indictment against corporate intranet sites. Perhaps both?

Steampunk WWW

Overheard in re: a Metafilter conversation [1] about the original cross platform web browser; a line-mode application which is essentially a TTY [2] interface. Imagine that… a typewriter that types by itself like some kind of terrible player piano. You read what it’s writing while it chatters away. And then once in a while it…

Holy Tagmaster, Batman!

How long has it been since I’ve written CSS? Quite the stroll down memory lane today as I prettified some XSL transformed XML reports. Relatedly, I’d forgotten just how short browser implementation has come on the promise of serving XML and letting the client render things prettily. I’m all for stopping XSS attacks but good…

So long RSS?

I’ve been tinkering with pulling all of my generated content on other sites into a single, browsable, About Me kind of page here on SRT. On the flip side, I’ve been toying with how to create a nice portal that collects all of the various bits of content people I like create on various social…

Hyperwords Project

Is it Web 2 3.0? Is it just a jumble of Firefox extensions? Is it useful? I’m not exactly sure. Still, the Hyperwords project is fascinating to me. It’s a Firefox extension that basically shortcuts a wide variety of search engines and other knowledge expansion tools. It also lets you work with the page or…