My 43′ vertical antenna kit and enough coax to park it at the top of the backyard are whizzing their way to the Tuck as I type this. It’s the final piece of the getting-to-broadcast-on-HF puzzle.
A 43′ vertical is a nice compromise antenna that can be tuned with my radio’s on board antenna matcher to within an SWR of 1.3. 125′ of coax is required to mitigate the impedance mismatch that ginormous aluminum tubes present to the radio’s expected 50Ω out.
Some time next weekend N0FEZ should be on the international airwaves. This is a thing that has been five years in the making and, if you can’t tell, I’m way stoked. I just hope the assembly goes as well as it did for this guy…who is hilarious.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
My favorite part of your post is how you were able to use the ohms symbol. I tip my “fez” to you, sir.