7 thoughts on “Resolve

  1. “I want a small $BEVERAGE”

    “You mean a tall $BEVERAGE?”

    “Height is not a volumetric measurement. I’d like it ‘small’, please.”



    “So a tall $BEVERAGE it is.”


  2. And let’s not even get to the “no whip” bullshit. It’s “without whipped cream.”

    It’s not a diner and you’re not a short order cook.

  3. And I went to Peet’s today and ordered a triple tall iced espresso and was met with the same employee animosity…… Then I quickly realized my snafu

  4. Right on brother.

    And Starbucks… stop naming your coffee as if your marketing turds errr team just finished watching the Lion King. Seriously. Veranda Blend. Antigua decaf. Scar, Simba, and Mufassa are all wondering if they too can have a flavor named after them.

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